Hydrogen has an excellent ability to selectively remove harmful substances called free radicals (reactive oxygen), repairing our body's systems at the basic cell level and overall improving our health.


Hydrogen is basically a tiny molecule in nature, and it can easily penetrate through our skin and membranes, entering any organ, tissue, cell, and even the structures inside cells like mitochondria and nuclei. Hydrogen can be taken into the body through drinking hydrogen water, intravenous injection, or breathing. Drinking hydrogen water is the safest and most cost-effective way to get hydrogen!


Hydrogen is a natural gas produced by the metabolism of intestinal bacteria, and it is present in the gases we exhale and expel. Numerous medical studies have not found any evidence of harmful effects from hydrogen. In summary, hydrogen is very safe for our bodies.


Research suggests that hydrogen has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Drinking water rich in hydrogen over the long term can boost our immune system, providing relief for many chronic inflammations.


Allergies happen when the immune system gets confused due to factors like the environment and age. It's basically an issue with our immune system. Drinking water with lots of hydrogen for 3-6 months can ease allergy symptoms.


Metabolic repair means fixing our metabolic functions. Metabolic diseases often occur when our metabolism struggles with too much fat and sugar, causing a decrease in metabolic capability. Hydrogen can repair metabolic functions and relieve metabolic diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high uric acid etc.


For diabetes improvement, hydrogen can enhance pancreatic function and sugar-fat metabolism, lower blood sugar, and improve complications caused by diabetes, including male sexual dysfunction.


Hydrogen can improve purine metabolism, gradually lowering blood uric acid levels. Generally, after about three months of drinking, patients with high uric acid see a significant improvement, with gout attacks stopping or symptoms lessening. After around six months, uric acid levels return to normal, and gout no longer occurs.


Firstly, the most noticeable and quickest experience is the anti-fatigue effect. Secondly, drinking hydrogen-rich water along with using a hydrogen-rich water face mask can significantly improve skin texture and tone, reducing issues like age spots and discoloration. Additionally, the immune system is noticeably boosted, leading to a reduction in colds and fevers. Even if one catches a cold, the symptoms are less severe. Long-term consumption can prevent various diseases, including chronic illnesses, and achieve excellent anti-aging effects.


Healthy individuals can drink 1-2 cups (500ml per cup) a day based on their economic conditions. Sub-healthy or individuals with conditions like hypertension can drink 2-3 cups a day (500ml per cup) for faster and more significant effects.


Absolutely, there's no need to worry. Due to air pollution, many children have weakened immune systems, and hydrogen can enhance their disease resistance. It also helps prevent common health issues in children, such as obesity and allergies.


A Japanese study found that centenarians produce more than three times the amount of hydrogen as ordinary people, which indirectly answers this question. Everyone's gut bacteria metabolism produces hydrogen, meaning everyone has hydrogen in their bodies, and the gases we exhale and expel contain hydrogen. Extensive biomedical research has confirmed the safety of hydrogen. In the Japanese market, hydrogen-rich water is freely available without restrictions on who can buy or drink it. The medical community agrees on the safety of hydrogen, so there's no need for any concerns. Consistently drinking water rich in hydrogen daily can effectively eliminate harmful substances from the body and maintain good health.


Hydrogen-rich water is simply water that has dissolved hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas usually only dissolves in water to a small extent, with a saturation concentration of 1.6 ppm at atmospheric pressure, slightly lower than the solubility of oxygen.


Hydrogen gas has a wide range of biological benefits. The basic principle is that hydrogen gas removes harmful free radicals in the body through its selective antioxidant action, including hydroxyl radicals and nitrite anions. The specific effects of selective antioxidant action include anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-radiation, anti-fatigue, anti-cell mutation, anti-cell apoptosis, metabolic regulation, immune regulation, and tissue repair.


Oxidation affects various aspects of human health, including skin issues, cardiovascular problems, immune disorders, malignant tumors, and aging. Long-term consumption of hydrogen-rich water can improve skin tone and texture, lighten blemishes, age spots, etc. In Japan, fashionable women are the largest consumer group of hydrogen-rich water.


Hydrogen gas can directly penetrate the skin. A simple method is to apply hydrogen-rich water to the face using a dry mask before and after drinking, providing excellent antioxidant and beauty effects with regular use. Patients with chronic rhinitis can use hydrogen-rich water to rinse the nasal cavity. Individuals with dry eyes and cataracts can use hydrogen-rich water to wash their eyes.


Most cases of allergies are due to immune system disruptions caused by environmental and age factors. Allergies are essentially an issue with the immune system. Drinking hydrogen-rich water regularly can significantly alleviate allergy symptoms caused by conditions such as contact dermatitis, eczema, hives, allergic asthma, and allergic rhinitis.


Long-term consumption of hydrogen-rich water can relieve chronic inflammation in the body while boosting the immune system, enhancing disease resistance, and reducing the frequency or severity of colds and fevers. This includes conditions like otitis media, gingivitis, chronic bronchitis, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and more.


Drinking hydrogen-rich water can promote lipid metabolism, regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, thereby alleviating complications of high blood pressure and diabetes, and easing metabolic syndrome. Scientific studies show that hydrogen, by stimulating the secretion of the liver's FGF21 factor, promotes lipid metabolism, contributing to weight loss. Many users have reported losing 3-5 kilograms in a month by drinking three bottles of hydrogen-rich water daily.


Many hypertensive patients who drink hydrogen-rich water for three months experience a blood pressure reduction of 20-30mmHg. Persisting with the consumption for over a year can bring blood pressure to normal levels, and some patients may gradually reduce or even stop their medication. For those still struggling to control blood pressure with three medications, drinking hydrogen-rich water for six months can gradually bring blood pressure to normal levels without changing medication. Hydrogen helps regulate blood pressure by repairing vascular and circulatory system functions, allowing some patients to gradually reduce or even stop their medication (under expert guidance).


Improvement in complications of diabetes happens quite quickly. Drinking hydrogen-rich water for about a month can start reducing or even eliminating complications. After about three months, blood sugar levels begin to drop, and consistently drinking for over a year can gradually lead to a reduction in medication. There is also a clear therapeutic effect on erectile dysfunction caused by diabetes. For gout patients, drinking for about three months usually stops gout attacks, and within six months to a year, uric acid levels return to normal.


There have been 500 published papers on hydrogen, with a quarter of them from China. Diseases that hydrogen has been experimentally proven to treat or improve include metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, atherosclerosis, hangovers, and erectile dysfunction, among over 60 others.


Everyone can freely drink it, especially high-stress professionals, sub-healthy individuals, athletes, beauty enthusiasts, pregnant women, and those seeking health and anti-aging benefits.


Intense exercise produces a lot of lactic acid and oxygen free radicals, causing lactic acid buildup and "post-exercise oxidative stress." Hydrogen can effectively promote the breakdown of lactic acid metabolism and alleviate oxidative stress reactions. Recent studies show that hydrogen-rich water can counteract the blood acidification caused by exercise, helping athletes enhance endurance and quickly recover energy. Long-term consumption by athletes can improve performance in competitions.


In general, the best times to drink hydrogen-rich water are in the morning when you wake up, before lunch and dinner, before and after exercising, and before drinking alcohol.


When pathogens invade the body, the immune response can sometimes be too strong, causing antibodies to attack indiscriminately and disrupting the immune system. This imbalance can lead to allergies or inflammation. Negative hydrogen ions can help white blood cells combat an excess of free radicals, allowing them to kill off pathogens without harming themselves. This immune regulation activates the vitality of immune cells and natural killer cells (T cells), helping the body maintain stability and avoid allergic reactions.


High blood sugar can lead to various complications such as thickening of the blood, vascular damage, impaired nerve function, kidney problems, high blood pressure, elevated blood fats, and eventually conditions like arteriosclerosis, heart disease (oxygen deficiency in the heart muscle, heart attacks), and strokes. These complications often stem from damage to the pancreatic beta cells that secrete insulin by free radicals. The powerful antioxidant action of negative hydrogen ions can eliminate and prevent damage from free radicals, eliminate toxins, regulate immune function, stimulate cell growth, normalize insulin secretion, and increase cell sensitivity to insulin. This leads to improved blood sugar metabolism, symptoms gradually improving, and even disappearing.


Excessive positive ions in the air can attack platelets, release the sensitive hormone serotonin, causing the contraction of airways, reducing the function of cilia to expel mucus, and resulting in dry, burning, itchy nose, nasal congestion, headaches, dry lips, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and itchy eyes. Negative ions, on the other hand, do not stimulate the excessive production of serotonin. They directly act on enzymes in the respiratory system, promoting cellular respiratory function, increasing lung capacity, and enhancing the activity of tracheal epithelial cilia. As a result, it helps clear mucus and improve symptoms.

答空气中正离子如果大量的话会攻击血小板,释放敏感性的荷尔蒙—血清素它促使气管收缩降低纤毛排除分泌物的功能、产生鼻子干燥、灼热感、搔痒感、鼻塞、头痛、喉头干痒、吞咽困难、嘴唇干、头昏、呼吸困难、眼睛痒痒地。而负离子则不会刺激产生过多血清素,它们直接作用在呼吸系统的酵素身上而促进细胞呼吸功能、增加肺活量、提升气管上皮纤毛的活动力; 因为它能使血清素快速被氧化掉。

During the detoxification process in the liver, a large number of free radicals are produced. While most of them are eliminated under normal circumstances by the body's antioxidants, about 2-5% become excess and harmful, damaging liver cells and causing inflammation, some leading to chronic conditions. As liver function declines, the ability to clear free radicals decreases, resulting in a significant increase in free radicals in the liver, which can damage DNA, leading to cell death or proliferation, cirrhosis, and tumors. The strong antioxidant ability of negative hydrogen ions forms a protective membrane outside liver cells and enhances the antioxidant activity inside cells to eliminate free radicals.


Yes, that's correct. Free radicals can be both good and bad. Good free radicals, such as nitric oxide (NO), have benefits or protective effects on the circulatory system and lung inflammation, as well as erectile dysfunction. However, most free radicals, especially reactive oxygen species (ROS) associated with oxygen, can be highly detrimental to the body.

是的没错,自由基有好有坏,好的自由基譬如:一氧化氮(NO),对血液循环系统及肺部炎症、阳痿都有好处或保护作用;大多数自由基特别是和氧有关的ROS (反应性活性氧)对身体有莫大害处。

Excessive free radicals can damage the genetic material DNA. When the body cannot repair the damage, newly formed cells become mutated, leading to the precursor of cancer. Negative hydrogen ions with strong antioxidant capabilities can eliminate environmental factors favorable to cancer cell development in the following ways:
1. Hydrogen can continuously eliminate free radicals that cause cancer.
2. After consumption, the immune system can eliminate mutated cells, preventing their proliferation.
3. It can prevent the binding and continued enlargement of cancer cells with normal cells.


When the body encounters viruses, white blood cells release free radicals on their surface to eliminate pathogens. However, when produced excessively, free radicals can damage the nucleic DNA inside the cell nucleus, leading to aging, cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses. Therefore, a strong antioxidant like hydrogen is needed to protect the body's cells.


Experiencing constant fatigue, lack of vitality, and muscle soreness can be symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. In the modern, hectic lifestyle with high work pressure, decreasing life quality, and happiness index, the use of antioxidants is beneficial. Powerful antioxidants like negative hydrogen ions can eliminate free radicals, interrupt oxidative chain reactions, prevent cell damage, strengthen other antioxidants (such as vitamins C and E), inhibit pathogen growth, regulate the immune system, prevent cancer, protect the cardiovascular system, slow down aging, and alleviate chronic fatigue. With improved physical condition, the mentioned symptoms can quickly decrease or even disappear.

整天昏昏沉沉,没有什么元气,老是感觉累累的,肌肉这边酸、那边酸,休息也无法减轻或消失,到医院检查查不出所以然,怀疑会不会得到怪病?现代人生活紧凑,工作压力大,生活质量及快乐指数下降,造成的这种慢性疲乏症候群,抗氧化剂非常有用,像负氢离子这种强的抗氧化剂可以清除自由基,切断连锁氧化反应,避免细胞受伤,也可强化其他抗氧化剂 (如维他命C、E) 的功能,抑制病原菌生长,调节免疫系统、预防癌症、保护心血管、延缓老化、慢性疲乏,借着体质的改善,激发自愈能力,上面所说的种种症状很快就会减轻甚至消失。

An increasing number of people are suffering from neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, stroke, and dementia. Although the causes are not entirely clear, environmental factors (especially pollution, chemical toxins, trauma, and chronic constipation) bring about free radical attacks on nerve cells, causing neurodegeneration. Due to its small molecular size, hydrogen, unlike most drugs and nutritional supplements, can easily pass through the blood-brain barrier to prevent excessive free radical production or damage, thus delaying and improving symptoms of motor dysfunction, language, and memory degradation.


Many patients with chronic headaches find no clear cause through traditional Chinese and Western medicine examinations. Moreover, painkillers can only provide temporary relief. Most of these patients experience sudden or frequent migraines. Studies have found that patients experience lower levels of serotonin during attacks. Substances that can increase serotonin levels can reduce the frequency of headaches. Negative hydrogen ions can promote blood circulation, balance blood flow in the brain vessels, and slow down the oxidation of serotonin, thereby relieving headaches.


Hydrogen is beneficial for various types of arthritis. Joint injuries or infections can cause a large accumulation of body fluids, leading to swelling. The fluid comes from ruptured microvessels, or it is generated by the reaction between white blood cells and free radicals. Hydrogen can quickly neutralize free radicals, increase microvessel permeability, relieve swelling, and alleviate the discomfort associated with inflammation.


Most antioxidants on the market have large molecular weights, whereas hydrogen has the smallest molecular weight in the universe. Other antioxidants provide one electron per molecule to reduce one free radical, but each hydrogen atom in negative hydrogen ions contains two electrons. Therefore, the number of reducing electrons in one hydrogen atom is equivalent to 10,863 units of coenzyme Q10, 290 units of catechins, 431 units of vitamin E, and 176 units of vitamin C, making hydrogen the most powerful antioxidant. After donating an electron to neutralize a free radical, most antioxidants themselves become unstable and transform into another free radical. They need to find another form to be reduced, and the remaining reducing substances require the body to expend energy to eliminate them. Hydrogen is different. It carries two electrons, has a loose structure, easily donates an electron to reduce an oxygen free radical, and turns into water, a substance the body needs. Hydrogen is the only non-pharmaceutical antioxidant. With the smallest molecular weight, hydrogen can move freely inside and outside cells. It can easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier to enter brain cells, even the mitochondria of any cell, providing rapid and ample antioxidant effects.

市面上抗氧化剂都是具有巨大的分子量,氢是宇宙中分子量最小的,原子量设定为1的话),其他抗氧化剂一样是每个分子单位提供自由基一个电子,因此的一颗氢原子产品所拥有的还原电子数,相当于辅酵素Q10863颗所供应的,儿茶素要290颗、维生素E 431颗、维生素C要176颗、多酚类要221颗,可见它是最强的抗氧化剂。一般抗氧化剂丢出电子给自由基进行还原后,本身被氧化变成不稳定状态的另一个自由基,必需又找某种形态来还原,而且留下来的还原物质需要身体消耗能量来排除。氢不一样,带有2个电子,结构又松散,很容易送出个电子还原氧自由基,变成人体所需的水,它是目前唯一非药物的抗氧化剂。氢分子量最小,体积也小,在细胞内外穿梭自如,特别能穿透脑血屏障进入脑细胞内,甚至任何细胞的粒腺体内,提供迅速又充份的抗氧化作用。

Yes, it is very safe. After neutralizing with active oxygen and other free radicals, its final product is non-toxic water, which is beneficial to the human body. Hydrogen won't cause cell mutations, cancer, or fetal abnormalities. Pregnant women and children can safely consume it.


When a large number of negative hydrogen ions enter the body, they neutralize the positive hydrogen ions present in the blood and body fluids. This helps shift the body's acidity towards a slightly alkaline state, restoring and enhancing enzyme metabolism.


Products containing negative ions are developed based on the same reduction concept as negative hydrogen ions. While negative ions carry multiple electrons, which can neutralize positive electrons from unstable free radicals, negative hydrogen ions have specific benefits.


If there's a lack of essential antioxidants, the reactive oxygen (strong free radicals) generated during exercise can damage muscles during the recovery period. Sufficient antioxidants can neutralize free radicals, protecting muscle tissue and aiding athletes in achieving good results. Higher levels of negative hydrogen ions can increase blood acidity, reducing the risk of acidosis during exercise. Acidosis occurs when positive hydrogen ions and lactic acid gather around muscle tissue. As the body becomes more acidic, muscles lose functionality. Negative hydrogen ions can improve blood flow, reduce swelling, elevate athletes' pH levels, allowing them to endure longer, lessen acidity, and promote a quicker recovery.


Hydrogen bonds tightly connect DNA molecules in a double-helix structure. These bonds activate and generate energy. As people age, DNA double helixes coil more tightly, losing elasticity and reducing the number of times cells can undergo normal division. Normally, a cell can divide about 50 times from birth to the end of regeneration. Activating hydrogen bonds in DNA, loosening the coiled double helix, significantly increases cell regenerative capacity. Floating in water, the coiled double helix hydrates. The tighter the coil, the lower the hydrogen ion stores as age increases. Replenishing abundant hydrogen ion stores releases the coil, restoring the ability to stimulate cell regeneration. Tissues lacking hydrogen become stiff and lose elasticity, dehydrated muscles and ligaments are more prone to tearing, and bones become more brittle. Replenishing negative hydrogen ion stores can rescue many conditions caused by hydrogen depletion.


According to Japan's safety standards, hydrogen is listed as number 192 among existing additives. It is an essential element in grains, vegetables, meats, fish, and other foods. No food is devoid of hydrogen. However, hydrogen is a very light molecule, so it quickly disperses under normal conditions.


For example, when iron binds with oxygen, rust forms as a result of an oxidation reaction. However, oxidation also has another meaning, which is "taking electrons from other substances." Conversely, "giving electrons" is called reduction.


Under normal circumstances, hydrogen combined with oxygen forms water. In the body, hydrogen reacts with two harmful reactive oxygen hydrogen radicals, creating two water molecules (2H2O), ultimately turning into water.


Hydrogen is the smallest molecule, fast-moving, capable of passing through all substances. Due to its small size, hydrogen can penetrate cell membranes, reaching mitochondria and cell nuclei. In other words, hydrogen can quickly reach mitochondria, where harmful free radicals primarily occur, and selectively eliminate them.


There are methods to saturate water with hydrogen, but even with the latest technology, the limit is around 0.125 ppm (0.0000125%). Hydrogen quickly evaporates. However, through advanced techniques, hydrogen can be generated in the body for an extended period.


Hydrogen atoms make up 63% of the human body. It is not only part of the 60 to 70 percent body water but also a crucial component of proteins forming cells and carbohydrates as a source of energy. Hydrogen is a vital element for living organisms and is the most abundant element in the universe.


A hydrogen atom carries one electron, but it can sometimes have an extra electron, forming a negative hydrogen ion. While reactive oxygen causes oxidation (taking away electrons), negative hydrogen ions cause reduction (giving electrons). In other words, negative hydrogen ions have redox effects. When reactive oxygen seeks to take electrons from surrounding substances, negative hydrogen ions release electrons to neutralize the reactive oxygen, demonstrating antioxidant properties. Substances like vitamins, polyphenols, and coenzyme Q10 also possess these effects. Moreover, negative hydrogen ions can combine with reactive oxygen to convert it into water, providing hydration to the body.


Hydrogen has the smallest and most easily absorbable atomic size. Comparing it to recent popular antioxidants like vitamins, polyphenols, and coenzyme Q10, these substances have significantly larger molecular sizes. If hydrogen is considered 1, vitamin C is 176 times larger, catechin is 290 times larger, and coenzyme Q10 is a whopping 863 times larger. This highlights the superior absorption and circulation effects of hydrogen in the body compared to other antioxidants. Hydrogen can release two electrons, and its nature of easily releasing electrons to promote reduction is particularly powerful. In contrast, substances like vitamins, polyphenols, and coenzyme Q10, despite their large molecular sizes, can only release one electron.


Gas is closely related to life. For example, in 1975, American scholars reported in the journal "Science" that breathing high-pressure hydrogen gas could treat squamous cell carcinoma in mice. In 2007, Japanese scholars discovered that hydrogen gas has antioxidant effects. Subsequently, they found that hydrogen-rich water or inhaling hydrogen gas could treat various diseases related to oxidative damage, including various ischemic reperfusion injuries, inflammation-related diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases. Recently, researchers from Kagoshima University in Japan and Sam Ratulangi University in Indonesia used high-concentration hydrogen water and a commonly used anticancer drug, 5-fluorouracil, in two models—cell and animal—proved that hydrogen gas not only promotes tumor cell apoptosis, combined with 5-fluorouracil can significantly enhance the latter's anti-tumor effect, and can significantly extend the life of tumor animals. Therefore, it is proven that hydrogen gas has a certain anti-tumor effect, and combined with chemotherapy drugs can improve the effectiveness of anti-tumor treatment.


In fact, when drinking hydrogen water, changes in the body occur quickly within one to two days or slowly within three to four months. Continuous use is necessary before these changes manifest. These changes are known as positive reactions. Positive reactions are short-term phenomena that occur when the body is transitioning towards a better state. Especially for patients with chronic diseases, after taking health supplements, functional foods, or traditional Chinese medicine, there might be a period of discomfort that may be mistaken for side effects.

After drinking hydrogen water, the body's functions begin to regulate, and different parts of the body start to transform. During this period, because the body has long been in a diseased state, it has adapted to the pathological conditions. Once a change occurs, a feeling of discomfort arises, causing slight resistance. However, once this period is overcome, everything will improve. Positive reactions are signals of the body improving and diverge points for recovery.

In traditional Chinese medicine and some Eastern medical practices, there is a concept similar to positive reactions known as "aggravation." When this seemingly deteriorating reaction occurs, it should be welcomed. However, some individuals, especially those using traditional Chinese medicine, hydrogen water, or functional products for the first time, may mistakenly think that this reaction is a side effect. Here is an overview of specific positive reaction symptoms:

1. Fatigue, drowsiness: This phenomenon is called relaxation reaction. It is widespread among those who have drunk hydrogen water. Especially for people with chronic diseases, when the function of the diseased area is restored, the original balance of the disease is disrupted, leading to this reaction. After this reaction occurs, do not stop drinking hydrogen water.

2. Constipation, diarrhea, pain, swelling, sweating, etc.: These are known as allergic reactions, accounting for about 20% of all positive reaction symptoms after drinking hydrogen water. Generally, for relatively stable chronic diseases with less severe symptoms, when hydrogen water is consumed, an improvement begins to show, presenting a clear intensification between the disease and the symptoms. At this time, the power of recovery rebounds, leading to the reappearance of previous symptoms.

3. Swelling, redness, rash, eye discharge, and changes in urine color: These symptoms are known as excretion reactions. Under the action of hydrogen, old waste and toxins accumulated in the body are broken down and expelled through skin excretion organs.

4. Pain, fever, nausea, abdominal pain: This is called a recovery reaction, mainly manifested when the circulatory system is restored. The reason is that blood flow is not smooth, and a smooth flow begins to appear where there was stagnation of blood.





1. 疲倦、发困

2. 便秘、下痢、疼痛、肿、出汗等现象


4. 疼痛、发烧、恶心、腹疼

Hydrogen is non-toxic, without side effects, and can regulate overall body functions to alleviate several symptoms simultaneously. It can be used in conjunction with other medications.


Hydrogen gas can directly penetrate the skin. A simple method is to use a dry mask dipped in hydrogen-rich water before and after drinking to apply it to the face, providing excellent antioxidant and beauty effects with long-term use. Patients with chronic rhinitis can use hydrogen-rich water to rinse the nasal cavity, while individuals with dry eyes and cataracts can wash their eyes with hydrogen-rich water.


Long-term consumption of hydrogen-rich water can alleviate chronic inflammation in the body, enhance immunity, strengthen disease resistance, reduce the frequency and intensity of colds or alleviate cold symptoms. This includes conditions like otitis media, gingivitis, chronic bronchitis, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and more.


Hydrogen water acts as a new type of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule, showing promising therapeutic effects for various diseases related to oxidative stress and inflammation. Consuming hydrogen water, rich in hydrogen gas, after drinking can help the liver efficiently eliminate harmful substances like acetaldehyde and peroxides produced during alcohol breakdown. This reduces oxidative damage to liver tissues, serving a protective role. The hangover-relief mechanism involves enhancing alcohol metabolism, rapidly breaking down and eliminating alcohol from the body, and protecting neurotransmitters to lessen alcohol's impact on the brain.

Four advantages of hydrogen water for relieving hangovers:
- Quickly increases alcohol tolerance, making it harder to get drunk.
- Rapidly removes alcohol from the body, easing drunkenness.
- Speedily alleviates the irritation of taste buds caused by alcohol.
- Prevents hangovers and helps the body recover quickly.

How to use hydrogen water for hangover relief:
- Drink two glasses of hydrogen water half an hour before drinking alcohol to instantly boost alcohol tolerance.
- If you forget to drink hydrogen water before drinking alcohol and feel slightly drunk afterward, drinking two glasses of hydrogen water can gradually relieve the effects within about 10 minutes, significantly improving after half an hour.
- Consume hydrogen water alternately with alcohol, taking a sip of hydrogen water after each sip of alcohol, to quickly ease the taste bud irritation caused by alcohol.
- After a heavy drinking session, drink two glasses of hydrogen water to wake up the next day without a hangover, ensuring it doesn't affect work.



You can avoid smoking and drinking, but you can't escape exposure to a toxin: oxygen. Oxygen is essential for survival and is used by cells to produce energy. However, about 2% of the oxygen consumed by the body transforms into reactive oxygen species (free radicals), which can damage cell structures and contribute to aging. Additionally, factors like stress, UV radiation, and pollution generate more reactive oxygen species, linking humans closely with these substances.


Reactive oxygen species, especially hydroxyl radicals, are highly destructive and contribute to cell aging and cancer development. Hydrogen molecules are stable and have strong reactivity with these harmful radicals. Hydrogen can neutralize reactive oxygen species, converting them into harmless water (H2O), which is then eliminated from the body through metabolism.


ORP is a measure of water's antioxidant capacity and a vital indicator for nutritional and physiological functions. Healthy water has a low ORP, indicating strong antioxidant properties. The relationship between oxidation and reduction involves substances gaining or losing electrons. Elements losing electrons are called "reducing agents," acting as antioxidants. Elements gaining electrons are "oxidizing agents," contributing to oxidative stress. Strong antioxidants have high negative ORP values, closer to -800 mV, indicating effective reduction capabilities.



氧化还原电位乃液体中可以量测的抗氧化剂的还原能力,所量测的液体中带负电的电子与带正电的质子之比例,可以从土+1200 毫伏特(mV) 至1800毫伏特(mV)。当抗氧化剂愈强时,其氧化还原的负値愈大,也就愈接近 -800毫伏特(mV);如果正値愈大,就表示所含的活性氧非常活跃。


Hydrogen gas provides comprehensive antioxidant protection, balancing the internal environment and activating the body's self-healing mechanisms. This results in metabolic repair, immune regulation, inflammation reduction, improved allergy resilience, prevention of cell mutations, tissue repair promotion, and anti-aging and beauty benefits.


Hydrogen significantly improves immunity, enhancing the body's disease resistance. Long-term consumption of hydrogen-rich water or inhaling hydrogen gas can improve various chronic inflammatory conditions, including chronic pharyngitis, gastritis, prostatitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and more.


Hydrogen regulates the immune system bidirectionally, rebuilding immune balance and effectively improving various allergies, including eczema, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, food intolerance, and chronic colitis.


Metabolic repair involves gradually restoring substance and energy metabolism functions. High intake of fats, sugars, and purines burdens the metabolic system, leading to disorders and metabolic diseases. Hydrogen, by balancing the internal environment, comprehensively repairs metabolic functions, benefiting conditions like hyperlipidemia, diabetes, hypertension, hyperuricemia, and gout.


Hydrogen significantly boosts metabolism, contributing to effective weight loss, especially for overweight individuals. Combined with appropriate exercise and dietary control, the effects can be more ideal.


Hydrogen regulates blood pressure by reducing blood viscosity and improving vascular elasticity. Hypertensive patients may gradually reduce their reliance on medication within 3-6 months.


Hydrogen has been extensively researched in diabetes and its complications, demonstrating improvements in insulin secretion, regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism, blood sugar reduction, and relief of complications like diabetic retinopathy and skin ulcers.


Hydrogen promotes purine metabolism, gradually reducing blood uric acid levels. Drinking hydrogen-rich water for 3-6 months significantly improves blood uric acid levels in hyperuricemia patients, preventing gout attacks.


A study in Japan found that centenarians have exceptionally strong hydrogen-producing abilities, over three times that of ordinary individuals. Centenarians have significantly lower rates of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, confirming the anti-aging effects of hydrogen. Various studies support the value of hydrogen in preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases, malignancies, and other health issues.


Absolutely! With increasing air pollution, children's immunity is generally decreasing. Drinking hydrogen water can improve their immunity, enhance disease resistance, and prevent common health issues like obesity and allergies.


1. Remarkable anti-fatigue effects.
2. Improved skin complexion, reduced wrinkles, lightened age spots, and acne elimination with combined use of hydrogen water and hydrogen water masks.
3. Enhanced immunity, reducing the frequency of colds and fevers.
4. Long-term consumption prevents various diseases and ultimately delays aging, preserving youth and vitality.


To prevent the aging of the body, it's important to understand that oxidation causes aging, and hydrogen acts as an excellent antioxidant. The hydrogen elements in hydrogen water combine with excess oxygen, creating harmless water that prevents the body from aging, promoting beauty, and resisting aging.


Our bodies naturally have resistance and immune capabilities. White blood cells generate oxidative radicals with bactericidal properties, protecting the body from invading germs and foreign substances. However, in this defensive process, an excess of oxidative radicals (free radicals) can harm surrounding normal cells and blood vessels. Using hydrogen's electrons, they combine with excess oxidative radicals, creating harmless water, which is highly effective in relieving allergy symptoms.


Diabetes results from abnormal insulin secretion or anomalies in its receptors. This condition specifically targets the pancreatic islet cells and their receptors, unable to withstand the attack of oxidative radicals, leading to damage. Hydrogen's electrons combine with excess oxidative radicals, generating harmless water, allowing the pancreatic islets and their receptors to regain normal function, improving symptoms of diabetes.


Ordinary cells don't divide permanently; during repeated division, the DNA's terminal TEROMEA section shortens. Losing TEROMEA prevents the transmission of genetic information, leading to cell extinction. However, cancer cells' TEROMERASE enzyme locks TEROMEA, allowing unrestricted cell division leading to cell death. The electrons of active hydrogen in hydrogen water combine with TEROMERASE, preventing unlimited cancer cell division and turning them into cells with the same lifespan as normal cells.

通常细胞不是永久性分裂,而是在反复分裂过程中 DNA末端的TEROMEA部分变短。如果失去TEROMEA就不能传达遗传信息,最终不能分裂细胞导致灭绝。但是癌细胞中的TEROMERAZE酶会锁住TEROMEA,无限制分裂细胞导致死亡。活性氢水中含有的活性氢的电子(负离子)与TEROMERAZE相结合可以阻止癌细胞的无限制分裂,使之变成与普通细胞有同样寿命的细胞。

In cases of a large number of viruses entering the body, the toxicity generated by excess oxidative radicals (free radicals) can cause natural elimination by immune cells. The reducing power of active hydrogen in hydrogen water eliminates excess oxidative radicals, preventing immune cells from naturally eliminating themselves.

大量病毒进入人体的话,活性氧(自由基)过剩生成的毒性(氧化性)会令免疫细胞自然消灭。通过水素水(富氢水)中含有的活性氢的还原力, 排除多余的活性氧,可以防止免疫细胞自然消灭。