Blog – Anything About Hydrogen

Testimony - Fatty liver has gone!

Testimony from a customer: I'm a housewife and 45 this year, and I've drunken hydrogen-dissolved water for 2 years. Thanks to this water, my shoulder discomfort and cold body constitution have dis...

Hydrogen for Anti-Inflammation

When it comes to medicine, smaller is always better. Nanoscience has tended to show us that when your medication can enter even the tiniest cells in our body, it produces higher results. Nothing is s...

28 Surprising Health Benefits of Hydrogen Water

1) Antioxidant and Brain-Protective Effects It was first shown that molecular hydrogen (H2) could protect from damage by reducing the most toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells. Inhaled hyd...

Can Diabetes cure by Hydrogen-dissolved water?

Disease can be divided into infectious diseases caused by the likes of viruses and bacteria and noninfectious disease – that is, adult or lifestyle disease. And large numbers of academics point out t...

Hydrogen-dissolved water as an antioxidant

What is hydrogen-dissolved water? Hydrogen-dissolved water is also called "hydrogen-rich water", meaning a type of water rich in hydrogen. In most cases, water that contains hydrogen is rarely found ...

20 Q&A about hydrogen-dissolved water!

1. Hydrogen-dissolved water is considered an exceptional and the most ideal anti-oxidant; more than others. What is the reason for that? a. Hydrogen doesn’t react with such harmless free ROS and ...

The benefits of hydrogen-rich water for children

Do you know the hydrogen rich water is very good for children? Improve children’s memory Long-term drinking of hydrogen-rich water can supplement electrolytes and calcium, promote the developm...

6 Benefits That Normal Water Doesn’t Have

Hydrogen is renowned as the creator of all elements and exists in large quantities all around the planet. Yet only in the recent past has the medical world started to really investigate and open up t...

Preventing Heart Disease with Molecular Hydrogen

Cаrdіоvаѕсulаr dіѕеаѕеѕ are thе most соmmоn саuѕеѕ оf mоrbіdіtу аnd mоrtаlіtу worldwide. Dyshomeostasis оf іnflаmmаtіоn аrіѕе frоm, аnd result in, сеllulаr aberrations аnd раthоlоgісаl conditions, whі...

5 reasons why athlets should drink hydrogen water

While many of us can only dream of being a top athlete, reaching this level of achievement and athletic ability doesn’t just happen overnight. There’s a lot of dedication, training, and discipli...

Better sleep with hydrogen water

Lack of sleep can lead to complications such as heart disease and stroke. Sleep deprivation also leads to a weaker immune system, obesity, and depression. How to Sleep Better Many people...

Hydrogen water and anti-aging effect

Today, the quality of life is increasingly high and we all want to be youthful with age. There is a billion dollars industry out there to help us do that. Manifestations of aging skin Sta...

Why It’s Important to Stay Hydrated if You Have Crohn’s Diseases

Introduction It’s hard to live in this day and age without frequently being reminded of the importance of hydration. But as important as this message may be for the general population, it’s abso...

Weight loss with Hydrogen Water

Need to lose a few kilograms? Eating clean and exercising regularly is a great start, but for many people, it’s not quite enough. Research tells us that switching to so-called ‘diet’ soda and ‘die...

The Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen for Athletes

If уоu’rе аn аthlеtе оr a fitness еnthuѕіаѕt, уоu might have hеаrd оf mоlесulаr hуdrоgеn. Mаnу individuals hаvе discovered the bеnеfіtѕ оf thіѕ аntіоxіdаnt. Itѕ рорulаrіtу hаѕ been on thе rise over t...


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